Monday, November 30, 2015

Breakfast: Sticky Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal from The Big Man's World

I was scrolling through Instagram find me here this morning and saw The Big Man's World post on Sticky Cinnamon Roll Batter Oatmeal. OMG, I knew I had to have this! I went to his website and found the recipe here. 

I had all the ingredients in my kitchen, except coconut butter, which I replaced with regular butter. Sadly I forgot that my Sun Warrior protein powder(this is what I use. ) is not flavored, and I was out of vanilla, so I just threw the mix into the pot. I used Trader Joe's Gluten Free Rolled Oats, Nutiva's Coconut Flour, and Kate's butter.  I didn't take a pic because I was WAY too hungry and dove in. This is SO good, gluten-free, vegan if you don't use egg and butter, and low-sugar, unless you use sugar :P , and OH SO GOOD. This will be added to my collection of favorites!
Arman makes some fantastic foods, so you should check his sites out.

The Big Man's World website

Tell him the Cynikal Kat sent you!

Love, love, love, K

Oh, here is an empty bowl :p

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