Friday, February 24, 2012

Todays horrorscop (yes, horror)
"Although you can see into the distance now and have an ambitious plan to reach your goals, your foundation may be weak if you don't trust your perceptions. You might be so self-critical that you think you won't be able to sustain your productivity as you move into unfamiliar territory. You could exhaust yourself before you reach your destination if you are pushing too hard. Paradoxically, slowing down today can actually help you achieve success quicker than you think.:

OI! Ok, I will have to take that advice! I am going to go meet my aunt for lunch, do a bit of shopping, gym, annnnndd write! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Tonight I read the best words I may have ever seen.

"You are a fantastic writer. I am already in love with the first sentence "

and then...

"You have talent Ok, let me read... would you mind if it was on retainer until we have enough short stories to do an anthology?"


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Because I really liked this book, I want you to read it  too! Birthright by Willow Cross


Monday, February 20, 2012

Horoscope, Capricorn: "You are working hard to stabilize your assets or increase your income with the evocative Moon visiting your 2nd House of Possessions. However, you are seeing more value now in raising your self-esteem than your bank account balance. Step out beyond your old boundaries and try new ways of interacting with others. You may have a lot to offer, but it's still up to you to take the initiative."

wow. Just how I am feeling too.

I'm trying to work on a new story, but am feeling unmotivated, on top of the tiredness I already feel from working as an IFT EMT.  Work today and tomorrow then off for a few days. I'm going to Boston with my sisters and nieces & nephew on Thurs! can't wait!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Today is my Sunday, and its raining. Yuck. BUT, I am still on the I-got-a-story-published high, so I am happy. 
You can now find my story & 14 other awesome erotic stories on Amazon kindle
Of Leather & Lace, kindle

now off to go truck fishing w/ the fiance and whatever else comes along


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Of Leather & lace is out now!!

find it here on smashwords

and soon on amazon!


Today is my Saturday. Its odd having days off in the middle of the week, but its better than no time off.

 I'm writing this post because I just deleted a folder of e-mails from a relationship a few years back. I read 2 of the emails and was so disgusted with myself I had to delete them all. That was a really weird time in my life and boy am I glad its over. That guy was a real jerk and it was just a horrible relationship. Deleting the entire folder was very therapeutic. 

Now off to run amok...
ok, ok, new blog time! I swear I will start trying to do this more often!

FYI, I got a short story published!! "One Hot Night" in an anthology by Firefly & Wisp titled "Of Leather & Lace." check out their blog!
